SUN VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL’s educational philosophy reflects a commitment to improved teacher efficacy,
meaningful collaboration among all stakeholders, and a learning community that attends to students’
social-emotional and academic needs. Our core values reflect ideas that will drive day-to-day
practices, and will be taught, celebrated, and modeled by all stakeholders. Our leadership team and
staff will work to ensure students are provided with the necessary support and learning experiences
that lead to each student’s achievement of Tennessee Academic Standards (TAS) in Kindergarten –
Grade 10. SUN VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL’s academic plan works in support of these efforts and contributes
toward making our mission a reality.
From our philosophical beliefs, 6 Core Values will be taught, celebrated and modeled. The Core
Values are concepts that all members of the SUN VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL community will strive for –
teachers, leaders, students, and families.
Excellence – We value striving for excellence every day; we know that excellence is the
result of
intentional planning and deliberate practice.
The Power of We – We value collaboration and teamwork to accomplish shared goals. Together,
learn, do and achieve MORE.
The Power of Me – We value the contributions of every member of the learning community and want all
to develop the academic and social and emotional skills to be their best selves.
Focused, Continuous Improvement – We focus on our strengths and opportunities for
improvement. We
get smarter and smarter through hard work, taking risks and learning from failure; we value the
small, persistent steps that it takes to be great; we know that greatness in anything is the result
of continual, intentional planning and practice over long periods of time.
Student Ownership & Choice – We value the power of student ownership so that all learners in
community can be self-directed, life-long learners. We value student choice, so they learn how to
chart their own path in school and in life.
Family – We deeply value making SUN VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL a second “home” in the community where
teachers, leaders, students, and families feel safe, supported and loved.
SUN VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, national
origin, religion, ancestry, disability or need for special education services.
SUN VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL welcomes and serves students regardless of English language proficiency,
disability, or need for special education services.